
Saturday, November 20, 2010

The receipt of a great food, named Pilaf...all Asians know what it is...

Let me tell you the quick and delicious way to feed   your family...and only yourself..why not! We are human been too! So...Take 1/2 of pound any meat and cut it on cubes..the pot is already on the fire...put a few spoons of  sunflower oil in it...and the meat...and the same amount as meat is a cut onion, better green one. Then take two caps of rice, wash it and add to the other products in a pot. Do not forget to mix all of it. In 5 minutes add a water- about 2 caps. Salt, black pepper, tomatoes on small pieces. Cover with lid. Cook on small fire. It's quick and have a great taste.

Hi, here I am...

It's an LA..usually warm and humid..but not today. It's rainy and people are not accustom to a dark sky...they have got tired depressed...

Friday, November 19, 2010

I would like to share my respect and love to an incredible person..

Please, introdice yourself...if you do not mind... I am Irina...

Ok...I see the mistakes in my, it's not ok, but here we are...

...I would ask you to forgive these mistakes because I am contacting people in Bulgaria and Russia in the same time and the  keyboard is mixing me up...I know how it is- reading a grammar mess...

Next story will be posted tomorrow.....hopefully you like my writing...

....but, please, accept me as Charley Chaplin life was more tragedy as a comedy...but the laughter saved my soul....

Here is the real story of my life...I'll start wit a childhood...logical, right?Enjoy..

Finally she has had a great toy! Almost alive and very real- the dead mouse with a size of Ina’s palm, long naked tail and skinny short paws was found at the rear of grandma’s house. The mouth could be opened and closed by the finger easily- the imagination that the animal answered her questions was full:  the girl was asking “Do you like me? Do you want me as your friend?”, and the answer was ready: ”Yes, off course, I would love you be my best friend! Do you know that I like to eat a cheese?”. “I know exactly, I was watching many cartoons about mice- they like cheese, bread, and drink milk from the cat’s bowls”.
The conversation was extremely interesting – the girl and the mouse had a lot to tell each other. Small animal even learned  how to laugh with the opened mouth and wave a tail. Probably this ability was forgotten since the death let the animal down, but Ina reminded her new friend what and how to do everything again. So, the mouse named Garik, starts it’s life over again; Ira felt as a God or at list as an Angel.  This feeling was great, especially since when Ira understood how little the child is allowed to do by itself, with no asking somebody adult what to do: “May I go to pee?”, “May I eat now?”, or”May I play with Lily?”. The answers from the adults usually were: ”No, you’ll do it later” or “Yes, but not now”.
She could do with the toy whatever she wanted to –  feed it, talk to the creature, wrap it, hold it, sing a song for good night to it, read a book aloud, actually, they-the girl and the mouse- could do together whatever they decide to do. And whatever they did together was an amusement to both of them.
The girl was worried: her little toy-friend probably was hungry; she must feed it with milk. The syringe can help her to achieve the task. Grandma can help -she was a nurse in a hospital. Ira usually admired to go there: everything was different, not real at this place- as she went to a clouded sky- silent, clean, and white. She almost experienced the existence of Heaven when crossed the front door, opened by her Grand in non-visit hour. Usually the door was locked to prevent any bacterias to enter  in with the  visitor’s shoes. Visitors and their bacterias weren’t welcome to this military hospital. Visible respect to a hospital’s personnel from patient’s side was understandable:  all men who, by the Christ and Government sake, were injured in a military action or got pneumonia on the winter’s outside post, feel bad physically and suffered morally – they didn’t know when and in what condition will be released from the hospital after long time recovery and how this will influence their careers and families. So, they were looking at the medical staff as at Angels, who will solve their problems, especially the Director of the nurses in this post surgery department-she was close to surgerists and knew all the last information about every patient. In this case she was as a Director of Angels. It was the girl’s grandma.
The girl liked this blush of excitement – the moment when she and others truly believed into her grandma’s Maria unlimited ability to save everybody’s life and health. She knew this exactly – whoever was sick at home never went to a doctor because Maria knew what to do, she never made a mistake in a process of healing. Even the neighbors, primarily women, were coming home for an advice or help:  if the door to the kitchen was closed-no one family member  had to enter there- the patient could be with her skirt up and grandma were making an injection of vitamin B or aloe if a neighbor had some inflammation, pneumonia, or anemia.
Now, Ina came for the syringe. She needs an explanation what  it will be for- she couldn’t just show the mouse body to grandma and told: ”Please, give me one of used syringes  which will be thrown  anyway to feed my friend. ” It wont work for sure, even the effect couldn’t  be predicted. O, yes, she knew what to tell: she came for help for the bleeding wound, happened by downfall at the back yard  an   hour ago; then she suppose to ask quietly  if she can save an used for the purpose  syringe for the soap balloons. It was a bright idea! The balloons didn’t come out big, but they were big enough to fly. So, Ina got a syringe, big one- glassed one, sterilized after each use,  with a relatively big hole at the end. No needle was allowed, she didn’t need it, the needle could hurt the toy’s little mouse. The next two steps were: to fill a syringe with milk and to find the place where she could be save from people’s eyes to feed the toy. Difficult tasks! Ina didn’t have any money to buy the milk, so, she had to go home with a hope to find some in the refrigerator. The only danger was the mother- she could be home, it was a summer time and her mom had a vocation as a professor in East -Siberian University of Technology , the students went to a countryside to help in a collective farm for the carrots and potatoes- it was a mandatory for them and for  the professors, but Ira’s mother had two little children-her baby sister and her –first grade girl, so she was allowed to stay home vocation time and look after children. The idea for feeding the toy was that strong that Ina decides to risk: she wrapped the toy as a baby in a big handkerchief and carefully covered the toy’s head. Now they were safe. The front door was opened, the girl went into the apartment tiptoed, passed the corridor- nobody was there. How nice, soon, very soon the toy will be fed! Just wait a little!
“Where you were, girl? And what are you caring in your hands? Did you do your homework? Why did you take this clean linen handkerchief outside?”- It was her mother, sitting in the kitchen with a baby sister in her lap, having a tea with the aunt. “So, show us what is this”, the mother took the package from the mute girl and unwrapped it. Her face got scarlet, the scream frightened neighborhood, and the heavy handkerchief flied at the opposite corner of the kitchen. The long tail was sticking out from the package and, frozen of the scary scene, girl was thinking slowly because of fear: “Poor mouse- it hurts!  Why my mother jumped on the chair if the mouse is dead? Adults! Sometimes they do have imagination!”
The toy must be buried at the back yard where it was found. Ina was thinking above the fresh grave-if she had to put the cross on it or not?

Because of the nature....

Because of my nature I am a humor and drama, my expressions are the same way...not not worry...
So, the expectations of the blog could be predicted on this I am sure- it will be fun..and cry..and joy for sure...

A short story about life...and the reason to write...

It will be very short....not as my short stories
I am Russian- Siberian by blood...had been living in a many different places...had seen a lot of interesting people around Ukraine, than married in Bulgaria...then married in US... I hope, that the interest in people and their fate will create a group of people, who will honestly share their experiences with each other ...and with a mutual effort we will eliminate a huge  army of psychiatrists who are doing the same, but are good paid...
It's my believe...

Welcome...thanks for coming...

Here we are...I hope this blog will collect all my friends to share their thoughts about the different issues...
and give me the opportunity to post my stories here and share them with a close ones...